日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20519 次
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:gb2312 -*- import glob, os, MySQLdb, sys class M(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict): for attr in classdict.get('__slots__', ( )): if attr.startswith('_'): def getter(self, attr=attr): return getattr(self, attr) def setter(self, val=0, attr=attr): return setattr(self, attr, val) classdict['get' + attr[1:]] = getter classdict['set' + attr[1:]] = setter return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, classdict) def save_person(con, person): try: cursor = con.cursor( ) # Execute an SQL string sql = "insert into juzhai2(id,age,address,constellation,work) values(" \ + person.getid() + ",'" + person.getage() + "','" + person.getaddress() + "','" \ + person.getconstellation() + "','" + person.getwork() + "')" print sql cursor.execute("SET NAMES 'gbk'") cursor.execute(sql) # Fetch all results from the cursor into a sequence and close the connection results = cursor.fetchall( ) finally: cursor.close() class Person(object): __metaclass__ = M __slots__ = ['_id', '_age' ,'_address','_constellation','_work'] def all_files(pattern, search_path, pathsep=os.pathsep): """ Given a search path, yield all files matching the pattern. """ for path in search_path.split(pathsep): for match in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, pattern)): yield match def parse_file(afile): pass reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') print sys.getdefaultencoding() # Create a connection object, then use it to create a cursor con = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306, user="root", passwd="ning", db="test",charset='utf8') files = all_files("*.txt",r"D:\program\juzhai"); for f in files: id = f.split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0] file_object = open(f) try: all_the_text = file_object.read( ).split(' ') p = Person() p.setid(id) p.setage(all_the_text[0]) p.setaddress(all_the_text[1]) p.setconstellation(all_the_text[2]) p.setwork(all_the_text[3]) save_person(con, p) except IndexError, e: print '/nSome error/exception occurred.' print e continue finally: file_object.close( ) con.commit() con.close( )