日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20486 次
<select id="select" resultMap="HotelinfoResult" parameterClass="java.util.Map"> select id, HotelId as hotelId, Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfokuxun <dynamic prepend=" WHERE "> <isPropertyAvailable property="idList"> <isNotNull property="idList" prepend=" and id in "> <iterate property="idList" conjunction="," close=")" open="("> #idList[]# </iterate> </isNotNull> </isPropertyAvailable> </dynamic> </select>预计预计产生的SQL是:
select id, HotelId as hotelId,Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfok WHERE id in (?,?,?,?)需要注意的是:iBatis对于第一个prepend=" and " 是要移除的,如果不移除,则SQL 语句就是:
select id, HotelId as hotelId,Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfok WHERE and id in (?,?,?,?) //显然这样的SQL是错误的,iBatis移除了字句中第一个and显然and是不能存在的,iBatis对于动态SQL移除第一个and,但是本例中in字句还包含” and id in",也同时被移除了,所以程序产生报错:
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: SqlMapClient operation; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException: --- The error occurred while applying a parameter map. --- Check the Hotelinfokuxun.select-InlineParameterMap. --- Check the statement (query failed). --- Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Operand should contain 1 column(s)
当前面的<isPropertyAvilable>都没有匹配上, prepend="and id in "子句作为第一个prepend时,就会被移除,程序就报错
select id, HotelId as hotelId,Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfok WHERE (?,?,?,?) //少了应该存在的" id in "
<isPropertyAvailable property="idList"> <isNotNull prepend=" and "> 1='1' </isNotNull> <isNotNull property="idList" prepend=" and id in "> <iterate property="idList" conjunction="," close=")" open="("> #idList[]# </iterate> </isNotNull> </isPropertyAvailable>
select id, HotelId as hotelId,Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfok WHERE 1='1'and id in (?,?,?,?)
<isPropertyAvailable property="idList"> <isNotNull property="idList" prepend=" and "> <iterate property="idList" conjunction="OR" close=")" open="("> id=#idList[]# </iterate> </isNotNull> </isPropertyAvailable>产生的SQL语句是:
select id, HotelId as hotelId,Selectflag as selectflag from Hotelinfok WHERE ( id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=?)