日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20521 次
use TSQLFundamentals2008; --1返回Orders表中活动的最后一天生成的所有订单 select orderid, orderdate, custid, empid from Sales.Orders as o1 where orderdate = (select MAX(o2.orderdate) from Sales.Orders as o2) --2返回拥有订单数量最多的客户下过的所有订单 select custid, orderid, orderdate, empid from Sales.Orders as o1 where custid= (select top 1 o2.custid from Sales.Orders as o2 group by o2.custid order by COUNT(*) desc) --3返回2008年5月1号(包括这一天)以后没有处理过订单的雇员 select empid, Firstname, lastname from HR.Employees as e where e.empid not in (select o.empid from Sales.Orders as o where o.orderdate>=N'20080501') --4返回在客户表中出现过,但是在雇员表中没出现过的国家 select distinct c.country from Sales.Customers c where not exists (select e.country from HR.Employees e where c.country = e.country) select distinct c.country from Sales.Customers c where c.country not in (select e.country from HR.Employees e) --5为每个客户返回在他参与活动的最后一天下过的所有订单 select custid, orderid, orderdate, empid from Sales.Orders o1 where o1.orderdate = (select max(orderdate) from Sales.Orders o2 where o1.custid = o2.custid group by o2.custid) order by custid --6返回在2007年下过订单,而在2008年没有下过订单的客户 select custid, companyname from Sales.Customers as c where exists(select * from Sales.Orders o where c.custid=o.custid and year(o.orderdate)=2007) and not exists(select * from Sales.Orders o where c.custid=o.custid and YEAR(o.orderdate)=2008) --7返回订购了第12号产品的客户 select distinct c.custid, c.companyname from Sales.Customers c, Sales.Orders o, Sales.OrderDetails od where c.custid=o.custid and o.orderid =od.orderid and od.productid = 12 --8计算每个客户在每个月的连续总订货量 select custid, ordermonth, qty, (select SUM(co2.qty) from Sales.CustOrders co2 where co2.ordermonth<=co1.ordermonth and co1.custid = co2.custid) from Sales.CustOrders co1 order by custid