日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20452 次

SQL Server 强大的分区技术优化执行计划索引实例详解(使用语句检测和优化数据库 (MSSQL个人笔记之数据库优化之路 四)
--SQL Server 强大的分区技术(使用语句检测和优化数据库 (MSSQL个人笔记之数据库优化之路 三) 
 *主题:SQL Server 强大的分区技术   
 *      有很多地方你可能觉得有异议,欢迎一起讨论  
 *日期: 2012.07.26  

昨天已经在900W的测试数据上做了分区 并且查询出分区的内容
说到优化肯定是要设计到索引了,索引在第一章已经说了很多,在这里不做详解 今天就随便说下分区 索引和执行计划如果事件允许

use Erp_System

if OBJECT_ID('consume') is not null
drop table consume
create table consume (
id varchar(50)    ,
 Shopid int,
 GoodsId int, 
 Amount float,
 ConsumeDate datetime, 
 mark nvarchar(100)
 constraint [pk_cludered_id_date] primary key clustered (id asc,ConsumeDate asc,mark)
declare @myid uniqueidentifier  
declare @i int
set  @i=0;
declare @id varchar(50);
 while @i<3000000
 set @myid=cast(newid() as nvarchar(100));
set @id='10010xxxxxxx1'
insert into consume  values(@id,cast(rand()*10 as int),cast(rand()*50 as int),cast(rand()*1000 as int) ,GETDATE(),@myid);
 set @i=@i+1
set @i=0
 while @i<3000000
set @id='10010xxxxxxx2'
set @myid=cast(newid() as nvarchar(100));
insert into consume  values(@id,cast(rand()*10 as int),cast(rand()*50 as int),cast(rand()*1000 as int) ,GETDATE(),@myid);
 set @i=@i+1
  set @i=0
 while @i<3000000
set @id='10010xxxxxxx3'
set @myid=cast(newid() as nvarchar(100));
insert into consume  values(@id,cast(rand()*10 as int),cast(rand()*50 as int),cast(rand()*1000 as int) ,GETDATE(),@myid);
 set @i=@i+1
 --以上在表中插入随机数据和日期一共900w条数据 方便大家做海量数据的测试,我的笔记本估计跑的很慢 所以要边做别写这个案例
 --时间有点稍长了点。 呵呵 继续
 ---有了数据后我在后面的写的时候就不做过多的解释 ,如果有童鞋不明白的地方可以翻看之前笔记二和笔记一
 use Erp_System
alter database Erp_System add filegroup  GF_System01
alter database Erp_System add filegroup  GF_System02
alter database Erp_System add filegroup  GF_System03
alter database Erp_System add filegroup  GF_System04
 alter database Erp_System add file 
 name =N'System_01_02', filename='E:\GroupFileData\System_01_02.ndf',
 size =5mb,maxsize=2gb ,filegrowth=5mb
 ) to filegroup GF_System01 
  alter database Erp_System add file 
 name =N'System_03_05', filename='E:\GroupFileData\System_03_05.ndf',
 size =5mb,maxsize=2gb ,filegrowth=5mb
 ) to filegroup GF_System02 
  alter database Erp_System add file 
 name =N'System_06_08', filename='E:\GroupFileData\System_06_08.ndf',
 size =5mb,maxsize=2gb ,filegrowth=5mb
 ) to filegroup GF_System03 
  alter database Erp_System add file 
 name =N'System_09_10', filename='E:\GroupFileData\System_09_10.ndf',
 size =5mb,maxsize=2gb ,filegrowth=5mb
 ) to filegroup GF_System04 
-- select top 1 * from consume
 create partition function Par_Shopid_Fuc(int)
 as range right for values(2,5,8);
 create partition scheme Shopid_Sec
 as partition Par_Shopid_Fuc 
 to ( GF_System01,GF_System02,GF_System03,GF_System04);
 if OBJECT_ID('consume_Shopid_Range') is not null
drop table consume_Shopid_Range
create table consume_Shopid_Range (
 id varchar(50),
 Shopid int,
 GoodsId int, 
 Amount float,
 ConsumeDate datetime, 
 mark nvarchar(100)
  )on Shopid_Sec(Shopid)
  insert into consume_Shopid_Range select * from consume 

 SET STATISTICS IO ON -- 显示有关由Transact-SQL 语句生成的磁盘活动量的信息

 select * from consume_Shopid_Range  where Shopid=2
 select * from consume  where Shopid=2 
(899690 行受影响)
表 'consume_Shopid_Range'。扫描计数 1,逻辑读取 41528 次,物理读取 1 次,预读 30970 次,lob 逻辑读取 0 次,lob 物理读取 0 次,lob 预读 0 次。

(899690 行受影响)
表 'consume'。扫描计数 3,逻辑读取 268352 次,物理读取 3681 次,预读 260463 次,lob 逻辑读取 0 次,lob 物理读取 0 次,lob 预读 0 次。


分析上面的查询消息 其中表 'consume_Shopid_Range'