日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20547 次

oracle 表空间管理





Guidelines for Managing Tablespaces

Creating Tablespaces

Specifying Nonstandard Block Sizes for Tablespaces

Controlling the Writing of Redo Records

Altering Tablespace Availability

Using Read-Only Tablespaces

Renaming Tablespaces

Dropping Tablespaces

Managing the SYSAUX Tablespace

Diagnosing and Repairing Locally Managed Tablespace Problems

Migrating the SYSTEM Tablespace to a Locally Managed Tablespace

Transporting Tablespaces Between Databases

Viewing Tablespace Information

1Guidelines for Managing Tablespaces


1)  Using Multiple Tablespaces

Using multiple tablespaces allows you more flexibility in performing database

operations. When a database has multiple tablespaces, you can:

Separate user data from data dictionary data to reduce I/O contention.


Separate data of one application from the data of another to prevent multiple

applications from being affected if a tablespace must be taken offline.


Store different the datafiles of different tablespaces on different disk drives to

reduce I/O contention.


Take individual tablespaces offline while others remain online, providing better

overall availability.


Optimizing tablespace use by reserving a tablespace for a particular type of

database use, such as high update activity, read-only activity, or temporary

segment storage.