日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20346 次
desc v$logfile; select * from v$logfile; select * from v$controlfile; select * from v$datafile; select * from all_tables where OWNER='ADMIN'; -- Find large process SELECT L.sid ssid, substr(OPNAME,1,15) opname, target, trunc((sofar/totalwork)*100) pct, to_char(60*sofar*8192/(24*60*(last_update_time - start_time))/1024/1024/60, '9999.0') Rate, elapsed_seconds/60 es, time_remaining/60 tr, PROGRAM, MACHINE FROM v$session_longops L,v$session S WHERE time_remaining > 0 AND L.SID=S.SID ORDER BY start_time; select * from user_views; select * from user_indexes; select * from user_ind_columns ; select * from MBR_SECEDE_MST; --rename the system auto-index name alter index SYS_C005162 rename to USER_INFO_PK; --1 shared pool select (sum(pins - reloads)) / sum(pins) "Lib Cache" from v$librarycache; --share sql lib cache, If < 90% then must make large the shareed pool select (sum(gets -getmisses - usage -fixED)) / sum(gets) "Row Cache" from v$rowcache; -- If < 90% then ... --2 data cache select name, value from v$sysstat where name in('db block gets','consistent gets','physical reads'); --If (1 - db block gets/(consistent gets + physical reads))<90% then ... --3 log cache select name, value from v$sysstat where name in('redo entries','redo log space requests'); --If requests/entries is not be closed to 0 then ...