日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20528 次
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='pagedQueryProc') begin drop proc pagedQueryProc print 'exists' end else print 'not exists' go create proc pagedQueryProc @pageIndex int, @pageSize int , @tableName varchar(30) as declare @strSql nvarchar(3000); declare @columnsName varchar(30); declare @totalCount int; declare @totalPage int; declare @strCountSql nvarchar(1000); select top 1 @columnsName=columns.name from syscolumns as columns,sysobjects as objects where columns.id=objects.id and objects.name=@tableName; set @strCountSql='select @totalCount=count(1) from '+@tableName; exec sp_executesql @strCountSql,N'@totalCount int output',@totalCount OUTPUT; set @totalPage =@totalCount/@pageSize; if (@totalCount%@pageSize)<>0 begin set @totalPage=@totalPage+1; end if @pageIndex>1 and @pageIndex<=@totalPage begin set @strSql =' select top '+str(@pageSize) +' * from '+ @tableName+' where '+@columnsName+' > (select max('+@columnsName+') from '+@tableName+' where '+@columnsName+' in(select top ('+str(@pageSize*(@pageIndex-1))+') '+@columnsName+' from '+@tableName+' order by '+@columnsName+' asc)) order by '+@columnsName+' asc'; end else begin set @strSql =' select top '+str(@pageSize) +' * from '+ @tableName+' order by '+@columnsName+' asc' end exec sp_executesql @strSql go exec pagedQueryProc 1,20,'card' ---你只需要调用就可以了 动态分页 传入三个参数 1.分页当前页数 -- 2.一页显示记录数 --3.需查询的表名 --是用了max函数进行分页