日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20406 次
create or replace procedure CutPrice is vChar varchar2(50); begin select author into vChar from articleinfo where id =1294412460658; For BSI in ( select id,substr(author,instr(author,vChar)) as unit, nvl(substr(author,0,instr(author,vChar)-1),0) price, nvl(substr(QUOTE,0,instr(QUOTE,vChar)-1),0) price360 from articleinfo where id not in ( select id from articleinfo ai where (ai.author not like '%'||vChar||'%') or (ai.QUOTE not like '%'||vChar||'%') and INFOID='360product' ) and INFOID='360product' and INSTR(author,'.')!=0 and INSTR(QUOTE,'.')!=0 ) loop begin update articleinfo set updatedate=sysdate,unit = BSI.Unit,price = BSI.Price,price360 = BSI.Price360,author = '',quote = '' where id = BSI.Id; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN insert into errorLog values(BSI.ID); end; end loop; end CutPrice;
declare begin CutPrice(); end;