日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20539 次
此文转载 http://space.itpub.net/13558130 mydbalife的文章
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [15700], [3], [0x1DDE1AAB0], [], [], [], [], []
ora-600一共有两大类,一类的错误类型以数字标识,另外一类则以字符串标识。数字表示不同的内核层,而字符串则是具体的函数或者模块名。在Metalink的Doc ID: 175982.1中,oracle列举了这两类错误的详细信息,转录在这里以供需要是查询:
1 | Service Layer |
The service layer has within it a variety of service related components which are associated with in memory related activities in the SGA such as, for example : the management of Enqueues, System Parameters, System state objects (these objects track the use of structures in the SGA by Oracle server processes), etc.. In the main, this layer provides support to allow process communication and provides support for locking and the management of structures to support multiple user processes connecting and interacting within the SGA.? ? Note : vos? – Virtual Operating System provides features to support the functionality above.? As the name suggests it provides base functionality in much the same way as is provided by an Operating System.
2000 | Cache Layer |
Where errors are generated in this area, it is advisable to check whether the error is repeatable and whether the error is perhaps associated with recovery or undo type operations;
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