日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20531 次
select * from ((select t1.*, rownum t1rownum from (select ddatetime, obtid, prediction_time, make_time, forecaster, temperature, relative_humidity, wind_direction, wind_speed, pressure, precipitation, total_cloud_amount, low_cloud_amount, weather_type, visibility, min_temp_24, max_temp_24, min_hum_24, max_hum_24, precipitation_12, precipitation_24, total_cloud_12, low_cloud_12, weather_type_12, wind_direction_12, wind_speed_12 from T_SEVP_GIFT d where 1 = 1and to_char(d.ddatetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi') >= ? and to_char(d.ddatetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi') <= ?) t1 where rownum <= ?)) where t1rownum >= ?
select * from ((select t1.*, rownum t1rownum from (select ddatetime, obtid, wdidf, wd2df, wd2dd, wd10df, wd10dd, wd3smaxdf, wd3smaxdd, wd3smaxtime, wd10maxdf, wd10maxdd, wd10maxtime, wd3daymax, wf3daymax, wd3daymaxtime, wd10daymax, wf10daymax, wd10daymaxtime, t, maxt, maxttime, mint, minttime, daymaxt, daymaxttime, daymint, dayminttime, rh, maxrh, maxrhtime, minrh, minrhtime, dp, p, maxp, maxptime, minp, minptime, hourrf, dayrf, rfmark1, minrf, wpv, othfields, rddatetime, procsts from T_OBTMIND d where d.ddatetime >= to_date('2011-09-01 10:35', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi') and d.ddatetime <= to_date('2011-09-01 10:38', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi')) t1 where rownum <= 10)) where t1rownum >= 1 --样品语句。