日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20848 次

ORA-12518 TNS:监听程序无法分发客户机连接 解决办法(转)
ORA-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
2008-06-23 08:57
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ORA-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
Cause: The process of handing off a client connection to another process failed.
Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify that the listener and database instance are properly configured for direct handoff. If problem persists, call Oracle Support.

先试试 connect / as sysdba,看行不行,如果行的话,
再试试connect / @ as sysdba看看监听配置是否有问题。

2.sqlpls /nolog
3.connect sys/test as sysdba
2.sqlplus /nolog
3.connect sys/test@test as sysdba
ORA-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection


The reason ORA-12518 is being throw may be because of DEDICATED connections because Oracle 10g has a value of PROCESSES is defaulted at 150 which can be lower than necessary in a production system. Also, in pre-9i MTS, ORA-12518 may be thrown in SHARED SERVER because the dispatcher may have reached the maximum connection value, so it denies all other.

There are two solutions for ORA-12518 depending on which symptom you may be experiencing.
a.For the DEDICATED occurrence of ORA-12518, you would need to try increasing the PROCESSES parameter so that it can handle the needed number of processes. You can ensure that you have the needed value by monitoring the listener log for ORA-12518. Also, note that because the PROCESSES parameter is static, the database will need to be bounced.
b.If you are experiencing ORA-12518 because of a shared server issue, you first would need to use the command below to shutdown the dispatcher:
SQL> alter system shutdown immediate 'D001';
Then, add on new dispatchers:
SQL> alter system set DISPATCHERS = '(protocol=tcp)(dispatchers=3)';


考虑到之前经常遇到ora-00020超出最大进程数的问题在安装数据库的时候已经把processes设到800了,为保险起见再show parameter processes

SQL> show parameter process;

NAME???????????????????????????????? TYPE??????? VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- -----
aq_tm_processes????????????????????? integer???? 0
db_writer_processes????????????????? integer???? 1
gcs_server_processes???????????????? integer???? 0
job_queue_processes????????????????? integer???? 10
log_archive_max_processes??????????? integer???? 2
processes??????????????????????????? integer???? 1000


SQL> select count(*) from v$session;

? COUNT(*)
?????? 224

1.connect sys/test as sysdba
2.show parameters dispatchers;
NAME??????????????? TYPE???????????? VALUE
dispatchers???????? string?????????? (protocol=tcp)(service=oracle10xdb)
max_dispatchers????? integer??
5.SQL>alter system set dispatchers = '(protocol=tcp)(dispatchers=3)(service=oracle10xdb)';
system altered

可以用show parameters processes;
