日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20481 次
?????? 授权物化视图权限.
?????? grant create any masterialized view to scott;
?????? 创建物化视图
?????? create materialized view mv
????? as select * from scott.emp;
????? 物化视图的中的rowid和对应的表中的rowid不一致.
????? 视图中的rowid和对应表中的rowid一致.
?????? 全部(C)
???????exec dbms_mview.refresh('MV','C');
?????? 增量(F)
????????? 其实针对mv的信息至少一个update操作.
?????? 强制(?)
?????? Never:
????? 手动
???????? dbms_mview.refresh('MV',parallelism=>10);
?????? dbms_mview.refresh_all_mviews;
????? 自动(同步或者异步)
????????? 通过oracle job实现自动刷新.
????? 物化视图
???????? 在数据仓库系统中的使用.不同数据库中表的同步.
?????查看PL中PL/SQL中package type和views;
?????? 使用实例证明实体化视图和视图的区别
?????scott@TICKET> show user;
?????USER 为 "SCOTT"
?????scott@TICKET> create table t( key int primary key, val varchar(25));
?????create table t( key int primary key, val varchar(25))
???????? *
?????第 1 行出现错误:
?????ORA-00955: 名称已由现有对象使用
?????表已删除。 ?????表已创建。 ?????已创建 1 行。 ?????scott@TICKET> insert into t? values(2,'b'); ?????已创建 1 行。 ?????scott@TICKET> insert into t? values(3,'c'); ?????已创建 1 行。 ?????scott@TICKET> commit; ?????提交完成。 ?????scott@TICKET> select * from t; ???????? KEY VAL ?????GLOBAL_NAME ?????授权成功。 ?????sys@TICKET> conn scott/tiger ?????GLOBAL_NAME ?????scott@TICKET> create view v as select * from t; ?????视图已创建。 ?????scott@TICKET> select * from v; ???????? KEY VAL ?????scott@TICKET> select rowid,a.* from t a; ?????ROWID???????????????????? KEY VAL ?????scott@TICKET> select rowid,a.* from v a; ?????ROWID???????????????????? KEY VAL ?????scott@TICKET> create materialized view mv? as ?????实体化视图已创建。 ?????scott@TICKET> select rowid,a.* from mv a; ?????ROWID???????????????????? KEY VAL ?????由上面:
?????scott@TICKET> drop table t;
?????scott@TICKET> create table t( key int primary key, val varchar(25));
?????scott@TICKET> insert into t? values(1,'a');
?????---------- -------------------------
??????? 1 a
??????? 2 b
??????? 3 c
?????scott@TICKET> create view v as select * from t;
?????create view v as select * from t
?????第 1 行出现错误:
?????ORA-01031: 权限不足
?????scott@TICKET> conn / as sysdba
?????sys@TICKET> grant create any view ,create any materialized view to scott;
?????---------- -------------------------
??????? 1 a
??????? 2 b
??????? 3 c
?????------------------ ---------- -------------------------
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAA????????? 1 a
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAB????????? 2 b
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAC????????? 3 c
?????------------------ ---------- -------------------------
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAA????????? 1 a
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAB????????? 2 b
?????AAASzoAAEAAABHlAAC????????? 3 c
?????? 2? select * from t;
?????------------------ ---------- -------------------------
?????AAASzrAAEAAABH0AAA????????? 1 a
?????AAASzrAAEAAABH0AAB????????? 2 b
?????AAASzrAAEAAABH0AAC????????? 3 c
????? 查询t,v,mv的信息可以看出mv的rowid和其他的不一样.
?????scott@TICKET> update t set val='aa' where k