日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20538 次
Using the Database Configuration Assistant
When you install Oracle with the Oracle Universal Installer, the sample schemas are installed by default when you select the Basic Installation option. If you have installed your database with the Advanced Option and did not choose to install the sample schemas, you can install the Sample Schemas with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). When you run DBCA, selecting the Sample Schemas option installs all five schemas (HR, OE, PM, IX, SH) in your database.
Manually Installing Sample Schemas
You can also create Sample Schemas manually by running SQL scripts, rather than using DBCA. The scripts are included in the companion directory on the installation medium.
oracle 10 g 中hr用户需要单独安装,很麻烦,上传附件是HR用户的所有创建语句 ,下载后释放到$ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources/目录下,在SYS用户下运行$ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql来创建就可以