日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20452 次

隔离级别(isoation eve)



ANSI/ISO SQ92标准定义了一些数据库操作的隔离级别:

    未提交读(read uncommitted)
    提交读(read committed) 
    重复读(repeatabe read) 


    更新丢失(ost update):当系统允许两个事务同时更新同一数据是,发生更新丢失。 
    脏读(dirty read):当一个事务读取另一个事务尚未提交的修改时,产生脏读。
    非重复读(nonrepeatabe read):同一查询在同一事务中多次进行,由于其他提交事务所做的修改或删除,每次返回不同的结果集,此时发生非重复读。(A transaction rereads data it has previousy read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deeted the data.  )
    幻像(phantom read):同一查询在同一事务中多次进行,由于其他提交事务所做的插入操作,每次返回不同的结果集,此时发生幻像读。(A transaction reexecutes a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additiona rows that satisfy the condition.  )

  Dirty Read NonRepeatabe Read  Phantom Read
Read uncommitted Possible Possible Possible
Read committed not possible Possible Possible
Repeatabe read not possible not possible Possible
Seriaizabe not possible not possible not possible


ORACE提供了SQ92标准中的read committed和seriaizabe,同时提供了非SQ92标准的read-ony。

read committed:





If a serializable transaction contains data manipulation language (DML) that attempts to update any resource that may have been updated in a transaction uncommitted at the start of the serializable transaction, (并且修改在后来被提交而没有回滚),then the DML statement fails. 返回的错误是ORA-08177: Cannot serialize access for this transaction。


Oracle permits a serializable transaction to modify a data row only if it can determine that prior changes to the row were made by transactions that had committed when the serializable transaction began.

To make this determination efficiently, Oracle uses control information stored in the data block that indicates which rows in the block contain committed and uncommitted changes. In a sense, the block contains a recent history of transactions that affected each row in the block. The amount of history that is retained is controlled by the INITRANS parameter of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. Under some circumstances, Oracle may have insufficient history information to determine whether a row has been updated by a "too recent" transaction. This can occur when many transactions concurrently modify the same data block, or do so in a very short period. You can avoid this situation by setting higher values of INITRANS for tables that will experience many transactions updating the same blocks. Doing so will enable Oracle to allocate sufficient storage in each block to record the history of recent transactions that accessed the block.

The INITRANS Parameter:Oracle stores control information in each data block to manage access by concurrent transactions. Therefore, if you set the transaction isolation level to serializable, you must use the ALTER TABLE comman