create table A
DEPTID INTEGER not null, --部门ID
DEPT_CODE VARCHAR2(720) not null, --部门编码
PARENT_ID VARCHAR2(720) not Null --父节点('-1'为顶级节点,'-'1的下级节点为一级部门)
alter table A add constraint DEPT_CODE_PK primary key (DEPT_CODE);
Insert Into A (DEPTID,DEPT_CODE,PARENT_ID) Values('1004', '106707000000', '281' );
Insert Into A (DEPTID,DEPT_CODE,PARENT_ID) Values('281' , '106700000000', '43' );
Insert Into A (DEPTID,DEPT_CODE,PARENT_ID) Values('43' , '100000000000', '7289');
Insert Into A (DEPTID,DEPT_CODE,PARENT_ID) Values('7289', '000000000000', '-1' );
With all_id As (
Select t.parent_id , t.deptid From A t
Start With t.dept_code = '106707000000'
Connect By Prior t.parent_id = t.deptid )
Select deptid From all_id a Where a.parent_id =
(Select b.deptid From all_id b Where b.parent_id = '-1')