日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20555 次

-- 创建临时表空间 
create temporary tablespace os_temp 
tempfile 'd:\Oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\os_temp.dbf'
size 100m 
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 1024m 
extent management local; 

-- 创建数据表空间 
create tablespace os_data 
datafile 'd:\Oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\os_data.dbf'
size 100m 
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 1024m 
extent management local; 

-- 创建用户 
create user os identified by os 
default tablespace os_data 
temporary tablespace os_temp; 

-- 给用户授予权限 
grant connect,resource to os; 
-- 删除表空间 
drop tablespace os_data including contents and datafiles;