日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20434 次




select deptno,avg_sal,grade from 
         (select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t 
         join salgrade s on(t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal); 
select deptno,avg(grade) from
               (select deptno,ename,grade from emp join salgrade s 
                       on (emp.sal between s.losal and s.hisal)) t
                group by deptno;
select ename from emp where empno in (select distinict mgr from emp);
select disinict sal from emp  where sal not in (select distinict e1.sal from emp e1 join emp e2 on (e1.sal<e2.sal))  
select deptno ,avg_sal from 
        (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno)
        where avg_sal=(select max(avg_sal) from
             (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno))

select dname from dept where deptno=
             (select deptno from 
                         (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from 
                                   emp group by deptno)
                          where avg_sal=
                          (select max(avg_sal) from
                                 (select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from 
                                        emp group by deptno)
select ename from
        emp where empno in 
                      (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)
                     and sal>
                            (select max(sal) from emp empno not in
                                   (select distinct mgr from 
                                             emp where mgr is not  null




 # 薪水最高的第六个人到第十个人
select ename,sal from
                       select enmae,sal,rownum r from
                         select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc;
                      where r>=6 and r<=10;




??????????1、backup scott
?????????????? 进入到一个目录下(cd temp),将目录里的文件全部删掉(del *.*),

???????????????然后敲exp,输入用户名和密码? scott/tiger? 回车 回车 U yes yes yes?? 成功导出
??????????2、create user
?????????????? create user liuchao identified by liuchao default tablespace users quota 10M on users;

?????????????? (users表空间上分配10兆空间)
???????????????grant create session,create table,create view to liuchao???
??????????3、import the data
????????????????????? imp 回车 liuchao/liuchao?? scott(只导入scott用户的东西)
?????????????????????? conn liuchao/liuchao

? 7.2DML语句

???????????????DML语句就是insert delete update语句,实例略。

? 7.3一些术语

??????????? 1、主键:可以唯一标识整条记录的,(非空唯一),逻辑意义代表不同的记录

??????????? 3、事务:一系列的操作,要么同时完成,要么都不完成,碰到rollback,(commit,DDL语句,正常断开连接)

??????????????????????? ?事务结束


???????????????????????? 的空间大)

??????????? 5、视图:视图就是子查询,视图的优点是简化查询,保护私有数据。缺点是表结构改了,视图得跟着改,

???????????????????????? ?增加了维护的支出。

??????????? 6、三范式:数据库设计的规则
?????????????????? (1)不存在冗余数据 主键? , 设计任何表都要有主键,(要有主键,列不可分,不能重复)
?????????????????? (2)多对多设计时所要遵循的东西,当一张表有多个字段作为主键的时候,(非主键的不能依赖于

