日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20608 次

等待事件:kksfbc child completion

等待事件:kksfbc child completion

大家好,遇到了一个等待事件:kksfbc child completion,持有该等待事件的os process占据较高的CPU资源,后来没有办法就强制将这两个问题会话给Kill掉了,问题也就解决了,但是我对这个等待事件的理解还是不很清楚。

metalink上说是bug 8575528,需要打上patch 8575528,并修改参数_cursor_features_enabled=10.


This fix has been superseded by bug:8575528.

A session may go into an infinite spin just after a wait
for 'kksfbc child completion'. The spin occurs with
a stack including kksSearchChildList -> kkshgnc where
kksSearchChildList loops forever.

This problem can also lead to internal error such as any of
ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList1], ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList2]
ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList3], ORA-600 [kkshgnc-nextchild]

Or Trace dumps on kksSearchChildList4 .

??This fix is disabled by default in 10g.
??To enable this fix you must explicitly set the following
??parameter for instance startup:
? ? "_cursor_features_enabled" = 10
原因是在hard parse时出错,建议在os级别kill process