日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20482 次
转:TNS-12519与processes参数设置;jdbc 连接oracle 报 ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found 问题解决 这几天项目中进行大批量数据导入时,在运行一段时间后报如下异常: java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: 找了些网友的解决策略,贴上来,等自己遇到的解决后再做总结. ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found Oracle 2009-11-25 11:54:00 ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found 的解决 可能是数据库上当前的连接数目已经超过了它能够处理的最大值. SQL> select count(*) from v$process;--当前连接数 修改最大连接数: 重启数据库: --查看当前有哪些用户正在使用数据 --快速删除不活动进程 Linux 下快速删除不活动进程 tmpfile=/tmp/tmp.$$ sqlplus ' / as sysdba' << EOF set heading off url:http://blog.csdn.net/wyzxg/archive/2008/03/06/2154274.aspx 2008/03/06 今天下午,开发人员突然说不能连接数据库了,提示相关的错误 ? OERR: ORA-12519 TNS:no appropriate service handler found 客户端连接间歇性失败,报错ORA-12519 Action: run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered? When the listener believes
ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
???? COUNT(*)
???? 63
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name = 'processes' --数据库允许的最大连接数
SQL> alter system set processes = 300 scope = spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup;
SELECT osuser, a.username,cpu_time/executions/1000000||'s', sql_fulltext,machine?
from v$session a, v$sqlarea b
where a.sql_address =b.address order by cpu_time/executions desc;
set heading off
spool on
select p.SPID from v$session s,v$process p where s.paddr= p.addr and s.machine='woogle';
spool off
set serveroutput on ;
v_sid number;
v_serial number;
v_sql varchar2(200) ;
CURSOR cur_session is
?? select sid, serial# from v$session where machine='woogle';
open cur_session ;
fetch cur_session into v_sid , v_serial ;
while cur_session%found
dbms_output.put_line(v_sid||' killed!') ;
v_sql:= 'alter system kill session '||''''||v_sid||','||v_serial||'''';
execute immediate v_sql ;
fetch cur_session into v_sid , v_serial ;
end loop ;
close cur_session ;
end ;
spool on
spool $tmpfile
select p.SPID from v$session s,v$process p where s.paddr= p.addr and s.STATUS='SNIPED';
spool off
set serveroutput on ;
v_sid number;
v_serial number;
v_sql varchar2(200) ;
CURSOR cur_session is
?? select sid, serial# from v$session where STATUS='SNIPED';
open cur_session ;
fetch cur_session into v_sid , v_serial ;
while cur_session%found
dbms_output.put_line(v_sid||' killed!') ;
v_sql:= 'alter system kill session '||''''||v_sid||','||v_serial||'''';
execute immediate v_sql ;
fetch cur_session into v_sid , v_serial ;
end loop ;
close cur_session ;
end ;
OERR: ORA-12519 TNS:no appropriate service handler found
Cause: the listener could not find any available service handlers that are?
?????? appropriate for the client connection.
??????? with the listener, and are accepting connections. 检查lsnrctl service ,instance已经注册,