日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20689 次
select columnId, type, itemType, addDate, startDate, endDate, viewCnt, status, columnName, topicIntro, topicLogo, topicBanner, additionalUrl, templetId from (select rownum rn, columnId, type, itemType, addDate, startDate, endDate, viewCnt, status, columnName, topicIntro, topicLogo, topicBanner, additionalUrl, templetId from (select column_id columnId, type type, item_type itemType, add_date addDate, start_date startDate, end_date endDate, view_cnt viewCnt, status status, templet_id templetId, column_name columnName, topic_intro topicIntro, topic_logo topicLogo, Topic_banner topicBanner, additional_url additionalUrl from t_columninfo where type in (4) and status = 1 order by add_date desc) ) where rn > 0 and rn <= 11