日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20471 次
./mongodump -h -d dbname -c collectionName -o bakDir
????? db.users.find({})
? ? ? db.users.find({'last_name': 'Smith'})
?field selection:
? ? //只取ssn? 相当于 select ssn from db where last_name == 'Smith'
??? // retrieve ssn field for documents where last_name == 'Smith':
??? db.users.find({last_name: 'Smith'}, {'ssn': 1});
??? //除了域 thumbnail ,其他的域都取
??? // retrieve all fields *except* the thumbnail field, for all documents:
??? db.users.find({}, {thumbnail:0});
MongoDB queries can return sorted results. To return all documents and sort by last name in ascending order, we'd query like so:
db.users.find({}).sort({last_name: 1});
{last_name: 1} 升序 {last_name: 0} 降序
MongoDB also supports skip and limit for easy paging. Here we skip the first 20 last names, and limit our result set to 10:
db.users.find({}, {}, 10, 20); // same as above, but less clear