日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20510 次

Introduction to the Oracle Server Technologies(Oracle服务器技术介绍)

certification objectives:

  • Position the Oracle Product Family
  • Explain Relational Structures
  • Understand the SQL Language
  • Appreciate the DBA's Role



  • 定位Oracle产品系列
  • 解释关系结构
  • 理解SQL语言
  • 领会DBA的角色

This chapter describes the entire oracle product family,the concepts behind relational databases,the SQL language,and the role of database administrator(DBA) in the IT environment.The content is not directly tested in the OCP examination,but is assumed knowledge that provides an essential background to the study of Oracle database administration.It alse gives an idea of the scope of a DBA's work.The DBA is often expected to know everything about everything.Well,that isn't possible-but at lease he/she should aware of the whole environment and how the parts link together.


本章描述了整个Oracle产品系列,关系数据库的概念,SQL语言以及DBA在IT环境下的角色。OCP考试不会直接考察这些内容,但是这些内容为研究Oracle数据库管理提供了必要地背景知识,并且给出了一个DBA工作范围的观念。DBA常常被期望为知晓万事万物, 那是不可能的。但是至少他/她应该知道整个环境以及各部分如何连接在一起的。



The Oracle server technologies product set is more than a database.There are also the Oracle Application Server and the Oracle Enterprise Manager.Taken together,these are the server technologies that make up the Oracle Grid offering.Grid computing is an emerging environment for managing the complete IT environment and for providing resources to users on demand.



Supplied with the server technologies are the development tools:third-generation language(3GLs) and rapid application development tools.It is also possible to write ?software in a wide range of third-party application development environments.Oracle Corporation has a total commitment to supporting international standards for data processing,which means that it is perfectly possible to run third-part products on the Oracle technology stack.

