日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20582 次
create proc selectproduct @price money as select productname,unitprice from Products where unitprice>@price exec selectproduct 10
create procedure selectproduct as select productname,unitprice from products where unitprice>50 exec selectproduct
create procedure selectproduct @inputprice money as select productname,unitprice from products where unitprice>@inputprice exec selectproduct 10 select employeeid from employees where lastname='fuller'
create proc selectempid (@ln varchar(10),@empid int output) as select @empid=employeeid from employees where lastname=@ln declare @empid int exec selectempid 'fuller',@empid output select @empid
create proc selecttname (@tid nchar(10),@tname nchar(10) output) as select @tname=tname from teacher where tid=@tid declare @tname nchar(10) exec selecttname '004',@tname output select @tname select productname,unitprice from products where productname='tofu'
create proc selectprice (@pname nvarchar(40),@uprice money output) as select @uprice=unitprice from products where productname=@pname declare @uprice money exec selectprice 'Queso Manchego La Pastora',@uprice output print @uprice
create proc selectnamesex as select sname,ssex from student execute selectnamesex declare @maxprice money,@minprice money set @maxprice=50 set @minprice=20 select productname,unitprice from products where unitprice >=@minprice and unitprice<=@maxprice
create proc selectnameprice (@minprice money,@maxprice money) as select productname,unitprice from products where unitprice >=@minprice and unitprice<=@maxprice exec selectnameprice 10,50
create proc selectname (@begindate datetime,@enddate datetime) as select lastname,firstname,hiredate from employees where hiredate>=@begindate and hiredate<=@enddate exec selectname '1-1-1993','12-31-1994'
create proc [dbo].[selecttname] (@tid nchar(10),@tname nchar(10) output) as select @tname=tname from teacher where tid=@tid declare @tname1 nvarchar(20) exec [selecttname] '004',@tname1 output set @tname1=@tname1+'大坏蛋' select @tname1
create proc selectcount (@cateid int,@pcount int output) as select @pcount=count(*) from products where categoryid=@cateid declare @count int,@cateid int set @cateid=8 exec selectcount @cateid,@count output print '第'+convert(varchar(5),@cateid)+ '类有'+convert(varchar(5),@count)+'种商品'
create proc selectcount (@sex nchar(10),@person int output) as select @person=count(*) from student where ssex=@sex declare @sex nchar(1),@rs int set @sex='女' exec selectcount @sex,@rs output print '学校有'+@sex+'生'+convert(varchar(5),@rs)+'人'
alter proc selectcount (@nameid char(11),@ncount int output) as select @ncount=count(*) from LendBook where Reader_ID=@nameid declare @ncount int exec selectcount '20081504114',@ncount output select @ncount select * from sc where sid='001'
alter procedure selectscore @st_id nchar(10),@c_id nchar(10) ,@score int output as select @score=score from sc where sid=