日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20522 次

Oracle 初始化脚本笔记
CREATE TABLESPACE TBSP_JSC DATAFILE [位置:'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\JSC\JSC_data']  SIZE 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 256M MAXSIZE unlimited;
CREATE TABLESPACE TBSP_JSC_IDX DATAFILE [位置:'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\JSC\JSC_idx']  SIZE 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 256M MAXSIZE unlimited;
CREATE TABLESPACE TBSP_JSC_TMP DATAFILE [位置:'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\JSC\JSC_tmp']  SIZE 1024M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 256M MAXSIZE unlimited;

create user jsc identified by 123456;
alter user jsc default tablespace TBSP_JSC quota unlimited on TBSP_JSC;
alter user jsc quota unlimited on TBSP_JSC_IDX;
alter user jsc temporary tablespace TBSP_JSC_TMP;
grant create trigger to jsc;
grant create session to jsc;
grant create sequence to jsc;
grant create synonym to jsc;
grant create table to jsc;
grant create view to jsc;
grant create procedure to jsc;
grant alter session to jsc;
grant create job to jsc ;
grant execute on ctxsys.ctx_ddl to jsc;

grant dba to jsc;
1 楼 lihengzkj 2012-02-23  
2 楼 tedeum 2012-02-23  
lihengzkj 写道
