日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20473 次
On Linux systems, add install_dir
directory to the
environment variable.
set CLASSPATH=.;install_dir
SYSODBCINI environment variable
TimesTen 使用 odbcini 文件确定 数据库资源和连接属性。 如果用户自己不指定odbcini,系统自动徐兆 安装目录下的/info/
PermSize=20960? /*The ttMigrate
and ttDestroy
utilities, and can only expend can not desize*/
TempSize=3200 /* Tempsize = 40 MB + ceiling(PermSize / 8 MB)
LogBufMB=500?? /*MB*/
LogDir=/home/tt1/TimesTen/tt1121/log/my_ttdb /*place the transaction log files on a different I/O
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? path from the database checkpoint files. */
CkptFrequency=300????????? /*seconds*/
CkptRate=10???? /*MB*/
有个connection需要特别指出。系统默认是64 个, 最大2047。 下面是一段对于 concurrency的描述
In a shared environment, concurrent connections to the database become a
key limitation: A separate Oracle process is required to handle each
connection in an Oracle database, and each process may require up to 2
MB of memory. All database installations--even Dedicated installations
of Oracle and others--limit the number of concurrent connections based
on the upper limit of memory and CPU available.
Example: Consider
a shared Oracle server with 30 customer accounts at 100 concurrent
connections per account. If each customer averaged only 30% of their
maximum--or 33 connections per customer--the total number of concurrent
connections would average 990. At 2 MB per process, the machine would be
using 1980 MB RAM. This does not include shared memory for database
buffering, or any memory for core OS/DB processes. In addition, at 990
concurrent connections, a great deal of processor time is burned just
handling context switches. Under these circumstances, the server would
slow to a crawl very quickly.
Limiting concurrent connections
enables us to dedicate more memory to each individual process to
dramatically increase the performance of your queries. Because of these
precautions, complex transactions run much faster than with other
databases. More dedicated memory is available to each process, and a
high amount of system memory is dedicated to buffering.