日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20493 次
? 本博客属原创文章,转载请注明出处:http://guoyunsky.iteye.com/blog/1178076 ??
? ?欢迎加入Hadoop超级群:?180941958
当我在Eclipse中跑起Hive,运行show tables命令后,发现报这个异常:
> hive> show tables;
> show tables;
> FAILED: Error in metadata:
> org.datanucleus.jdo.exceptions.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException: The
> class "org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MDatabase" is not persistable.
> This means that it either hasnt been enhanced, or that the enhanced version
> of the file is not in the CLASSPATH (or is hidden by an unenhanced version),
> or the Meta-Data/annotations for the class are not found.
> NestedThrowables:
> org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotPersistableException: The class
> "org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MDatabase" is not persistable. This
> means that it either hasnt been enhanced, or that the enhanced version of
> the file is not in the CLASSPATH (or is hidden by an unenhanced version), or
> the Meta-Data/annotations for the class are not found.
> FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
> hive>
private MDatabase getMDatabase(String name) throws NoSuchObjectException { MDatabase mdb = null; boolean commited = false; try { openTransaction(); name = name.toLowerCase().trim(); Query query = pm.newQuery(MDatabase.class, "name == dbname"); query.declareParameters("java.lang.String dbname"); query.setUnique(true); mdb = (MDatabase) query.execute(name); pm.retrieve(mdb); commited = commitTransaction(); } finally { if (!commited) { rollbackTransaction(); } } if (mdb == null) { throw new NoSuchObjectException("There is no database named " + name); } return mdb; }
?? 所触发异常是在 mdb = (MDatabase) query.execute(name);这行,也就是要去derby或mysql等(根据你到hive-default.xml配置)获取数据库到时候所触发。三思不得其解,跟进代码发现跟javax.jdo有关系。以前没接触过,于是google了下。按照这个说明搞定这个错误:http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform/guides/eclipse/index.html
???? 我大概说下过程,原理日后再研究:
??? 1)通过Eclipse安装datanucleus
??????? Help->Install New Software->Work with输入框里输入网址http://www.datanucleus.org/downloads/eclipse-update/
??? 2)设置datanucleus
?????? Window->Preferences->DataNucleus->SchemaTool->
?????? 根据你在hive-default.xml里的配置进行设置Drive Path、Driver Name、Connection URL:
?????? 比如我这里采用默认到derby嵌入式数据库,设置如下:
?????? Drive Path:file:/home/hadoop/workspace/hive-0.7.0/lib/derby.jar (derby.jar到路径)
?????? Driver Name:org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
????? Connection URL:jdbc:derby:/path/db-name;[create=true]
?? 3)在你到工程上部署datanucleus,也就是hive源码:
????? 右击Hive源码工程->DataNucleus->Add DataNucleus Support->
????? 之后再看Hive源码工程的Dataucleus会多几项,我依次点击运行了Enable Auto-Enhancement,Run Enhancer Tool,Run Schema Tool
?之后再跑Hive源码,运行SHOW TABLES.OK!一切正常