日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:22620 次

11gR2 GI总结(一)

11gR2 GI变化还是蛮大的,出了问题找log,感觉都比较乱,有必要总结一下,对GI的software stack有一个理解。
一.11g clusterware resource
2.VIP addresses
3.Local listeners
4.SCAN listeners
5.ASM instances
7.Database instances
9.User-defined resources
1.ASM disk groups, volumes, file systems, and instances
2.RAC databases and instances
3.SCAN listeners and local listeners
4.SCAN VIPs and local VIPs
5.Nodes and node applications
6.User-defined resources
7.Its own backups
三.Grid Infrastructure process overview:


1.Oracle agent include the following(不要求Root权限):
the gipc daemon
the gpnp daemon
The mDNS daemon
2.Oracle root Agent include(Root privige):
CRS daemon
CTSS daemon
Disk Monitoring daemon
ACFS drivers
3.CRS started,将创建另外的oracle agent and oracle root agent,这里如果GI是在grid账户下,grid agent include:
Starting and monitoring the local ASM instance
ONS and eONS daemons
The SCAN listener, where applicable
The Node listener
4,oracle root agent最终include:
GNS, if configured
GNS VIP if GNS enabled
ACFS Registry
SCAN VIP, if applicable
Node VIP

一.11g rac oracle clusterware key service essential:
1,group service,manage cluster service
2,node monitor or the 'heartbeat' monitor the status of nodes in RAC
3,locking service performed by the LMS database process to manage concurrency activities for RAC
4,HA resource management for failover or load-balance

Oracle Clusterware consists of:
1,oracle cluster registry(包含db配置信息和crs信息,比如node list,cluster database instance  mapping information,crs resource profiles.

ce/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded

2,voting disk(所有节点读写心跳信息的重要机制,used to shutdown,fence,or reboot either nodes when network communication is lost.in order to prevet thesplit-brain,protect the db infomation.check configuration information:

3,control files(scls_src) for clusterware(these control files enable and disab