日期:2014-01-09  浏览次数:20528 次

今天现场任务人员报告在IMP一个dmp文件时报超出最大游标数的错误,ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded。

IMP-00093: Inconsistency between dumpfile constraint definition for table ACCOUNT with columns ("ACCTID" , "CURRENCYID")

 IMP-00093 Inconsistency between dumpfile constraint definition for table string with columns (string)

Cause: Import failed to locate a base table for a constraint that was defined in the dump file and statistics were not imported.

Action: Check to see if the table and constraint exist. If the table and constraint exist, then report this to Oracle Support Services as an Import internal error.


Bug 2834541 - IMP-93 on import when using the TOUSER parameter

Bug No. 2834541

这个bug在9.2.0.6和10.1.0.3中被修复,起因是在导入的过程中要导入系统生成的约束,类似SYS_C0027639, 但是metalink上只提到了这个缘由,但是以前很多次的imp应该都是有这样系统生成的约束名,并没有报错过,所以应该还是有另外的要素参杂其中的,比如统计信息的生成。没有继续研讨。

