关于Win7安装VS2010失败的问题,请教高手! 各位老大好,小弟最近遇到一个问题,请大家帮忙看看:
最近新换了一块硬盘,高高兴兴地装系统,装驱动,装SQLServer2008-->SQLServer2008 SP1-->VS2008-->VS2008 SP1,然后再装VS2010,然后悲剧了,装到.net framework4的时候,死活过不去了,我把日志文件的头两行粘在下边了:
[11/22/12,09:09:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: [2] Error code -939523513 for this component is not recognized.
[11/22/12,09:09:13] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: [2] Component Microsoft .NET Framework 4 returned an unexpected value.
1.start - run - key in "cmd" and enter - key in "net stop WuAuServ" and enter
2.start - run - key in "%windir%" and enter - find the folder named "SoftwareDistribution" in the open window, and rename it "SDold"
3.start - run - key in "cmd" and enter - key in "net start WuAuServ" and enter
4.start - run - key in "regedit" and enter - find the sub-key "MAIN" of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" and right-click on, then click the menu "Permissions",and then the "totally control" to be "permited" ------其他解决方案-------------------- 你的net framework4是由x86和x64架构的,所以要想装在32架构的系统的话,当然不能安装,把系统换成x64架构的windows7吧,我之前也是遇到过这样问题 ------其他解决方案-------------------- 记得以前装出现过问题,后来在哪个帖子上找到方法是用DOS命令行安装的~~~ ------其他解决方案--------------------