日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20742 次

What can you do using Windows Azure IP?

You can do follow scenarios using Windows Azure IP of Orchestrator:

?Automatically deploy and upgrade an Azure service

?Move on premise VMs to Azure
?Add a new / existing persistent VM to an existing Azure service
?Recover Azure Application
?Modify disks of a deployed Azure VM
?Delete a VM from an Azure service
?Rollback Azure service to previous state
?Create affinity groups and associate service  and storage accounts to them to ensure that they stay in the same Azure datacenter.
?Azure Security
You can do follow operations on Azure through Windows Azure IP of Orchestrator:

All these operations you can find them in http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj721977.aspx

Cloud Services

List Cloud Services

Create Cloud Service

Update Cloud Service

Delete Cloud Service

Get Cloud Service Properties

Check Cloud Service Name Availability

Create Affinity Group


Create Deployment

Get Deployment

Swap Deployment

Delete Deployment

Change Deployment Configuration

Update Deployment Status

Upgrade Deployment

Walk Upgrade Domain

Reboot Role Instance

Reimage Role Instance

Rollback Update Or Upgrade

Storage Accounts

List Storage Accounts

Get Storage Account Properties

Get Storage Account Keys

Regenerate Storage Account Keys

Create Storage Account

Delete Storage Account

Update Storage Account


Create Container

Delete Container

Put Blob

Get Blob

Delete Blob

Snapshot Blob

List Blobs

Copy Blob

Virtual Machines

Add VM Instance