日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21301 次








4. 在命令行窗口,进入%HERITRIX_HOME%\bin目录,执行 heritrix.bat,出现类似如下字样的提示信息:


You have to specify either a username and password for the
web interface or start Heritrix without the web ui.

Example: heritrix --admin=admin:letmein
         heritrix --nowui myOrder.xml


5. 根据提示,把命令修改为: heritrix --admin=admin:123,出现类似如下字样的提示信息:

WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background
         on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window
         and will be shut down as soon as you log off.

2011/02/25 周五 23:49:27.00 Starting heritrix

Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes:

- Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch)
- another program uses the port for the web UI (8080 by default)
  (e.g. another Heritrix instance)
- JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly

JMX permissions file missing. A template can be found in
Copy it to
and edit the passwords at the end of the file. Then, make sure
the file is read-restricted to only the user that the Heritrix
Java VM will run as. For example:


6. 根据提示,把%HERITRIX_HOME%\conf\jmxremote.password.template文件复制到%HERITRIX_HOME%\目录下,并将文件重命名为:jmxremote.password,用文本编辑器打开文件,根据文件内的提示,将文件最后两行的@PASSWORD@,替换为想要的密码字符串。


monitorRole  123
controlRole  123


7. 再设置文件的为只读,并且要设置文件的拥有者只能为当前登录系统的用户,删除文件的其他用户或角色权限。修改方法:

?? 文件->属性->"安全"标签页->高级->"权限"标签页->更改权限按钮

??? ->取消"包括从该对象的父项继承的权限"的勾选-,同时再删除其他多余的用户或角色权限(只留下当前登录系统的用户)


8. 再次:heritrix --admin=admin:123,在弹出的cmd命令窗口中看到:

16:08:27.117 EVENT  Starting Jetty/4.2.23
16:08:27.164 WARN!! Delete existing temp dir C:\Users\wiflish\AppData\Local\Temp
\Jetty_127_0_0_1_8080__ for WebApplicationContext[/,jar:file:/E:/framework/herit
16:08:27.256 EVENT  Started WebApplicationContext[/,Heritrix Console]
16:08:27.323 EVENT  Started SocketListener on
16:08:27.323 EVENT  Started org.mortbay.jetty.Server@13d93f4
2011-02-25 16:08:27.588 信息 thread-10 org.archive.crawler.Heritrix.postRegister
() org.archive.crawler:guiport=8080,host=wiflish-PC,jmxport=8849,name=Heritrix,t
ype=CrawlService registered to MBeanServerId=wiflish-PC_1298650106843, Specifica
tionVersion=1.4, ImplementationVersion=1.6.0_23-b05, SpecificationVendor=Sun Mic
Heritrix version: 1.14.4

