日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21359 次

Openbravo开发-安装篇(windows)Eclipse IDE
1)ant setup (配置环境)
2)ant install.source(安装源代码到数据库)时间较长,不能有错误
3)Import into Eclipse IDE(导入项目到Eclipse)

Launch Eclipse.
  After Eclipse has started go to Project menu and disable Build Automatically option there.
Now 4 projects need to be imported in the workspace (by menu File=>Import..., Existing Projects into Workspace). Here they are:
openbravo        XXX\opensource\openbravo\erp\devel\main\
OpenbravoCore    XXX\opensource\openbravo\erp\devel\main\src-core
OpenbravoTrl     XXX\opensource\openbravo\erp\devel\main\src-trl
OpenbravoWAD     XXX\opensource\openbravo\erp\devel\main\src-wad
Then open Servers view and create a new instance of Tomcat server:
Set :
in General Information
click on Open launch configuration
add the following line at the end of VM arguments
-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms384M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
in Server options
check the Serve modules without publishing
in Timeouts
set start and stop timeouts to 120 seconds(必须设置超时120,否则运行不了)

The next step is to set the standard preferences used in the development of Openbravo.
Download the preferences file:
For Openbravo 2.50: openbravo-eclipse-prefs.epf file.
Import workspace preferences clicking on File > Import, then select General > Preferences and click on Next button.

Launch from Eclipse
Now start the Tomcat server by right-clicking on the server instance in the Servers view and choosing Start option in the popup menu. Wait until the server is started (can take up to 2 minutes) and visit http://localhost:8080/openbravo/ in your internet browser. If everything was configured and installed properly you will get to the Openbravo ERP log in page. Use these credentials to log in:
username - Openbravo
password - openbravo