



Security is really a deceptively simple problem of merely two parts, Authenticating and Authorizing users.安全(用户保护)真的看上去像一个只有两部分简单的问题,用户认证和授权。

The problem is that there's been an absence of standards and interoperability is really impossible without them.问题是很长时间缺乏标准,导致互操作性是不可能的。 

However there's been quite a few advancements recently that I wanted to point out and discuss in this article.然而最近有不少进步,我想在这篇文章中指出和讨论他们。

Standard Challenges标准挑战

In a typical security scenario, an application either contains a custom forms based authenticating systems (web) that uses a username-email/password combination to authenticate the user or it relies on the corporate authenticating system (intranet) to do the same.在一个典型的安全情景下,一个应用程序要么包含一个自定义的基于表单的身份验证系统(互联网),它使用一个username-email/password组合来验证用户,要么依赖于企业的认证系统(Intranet)中来验证用户