日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21137 次

请问各位,IE浏览器自动填充的用户名密码存放在什么地方?我个人发现部分存放在注册表中,我用注册表监控找到键值以后发现值里面并没有数据而是Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider,怎样找到加密后的数据?另外还有一部分存放在protected storage中请问这是什么?具体位置在哪?

在ie7以前的版本,即从ie4.0-ie6.0,ie自动填充的用户名和密码是存储在HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider主键下,该键下除了保存ie自动完成的的密码外,还保存有密码保护类的网站的自动登陆的用户名和密码信息。
从ie7开始,微软改变了ie的自动密码的保存方式,不再使用HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider这个主键了,而是把自动完成的密码存储在HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2这个主键了。另外,还有HTTP的安全校验密码是存储在个人配置文件夹下的Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials文件夹中。你可以到注册表和文件夹中查看这些键值和数据,但它们都是加密的,可以用一些工具查看其中存储的密码。
如果你英文还可以的话,可以看这个网页,里面有恨详细的说明,其中就有protected storage

Password Storage Locations

Internet Explorer stores the passwords in different locations, depending on the version of IE, and the type of the password:
Protected Storage: The 'Protected Storage' is a special secret location in the Registry that was used to store all the passwords of Internet Explorer in versions 4.0 - 6.0 
The Registry location of the Protected Storage was HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider. Starting from version 7.0 of Internet Explorer, the Protected Storage is no longer used for storing passwords.
Registry (Storage2 Key): Starting from version 7.0 of IE, all AutoComplete passwords are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2 Registry key. The passwords are encrypted with a key created from the Web site address, so it's not possible to get the password without knowing the Web site address.
Credentials File: Starting from version 7.0 of IE, HTTP authentication passwords are saved in the Credentials file of Windows, together with other network/login passwords. The Credentials file is located in the following locations:
Windows XP/2003: [Windows Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials\[User SID]\Credentials and [Windows Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials\[User SID]\Credentials
Windows Vista: [Windows Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials\[Random ID] and [Windows Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\[Random ID]
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