CCProxy Telnet>CCProxy Telnet Service Ready. CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Host not found: roxy-Connection: Keep-Alive CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet> Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are: o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname p - ping hostname ping hostname q - quit exit telnet CCProxy Telnet>
23端口是给telnet 预留的默认端口。