日期:2014-03-17  浏览次数:21006 次

// OpXML.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

//----------------------- Coded By Ronk --------------------------//
//-----------------------  2005-07-17  --------------------------//

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>

//---You must Setup the MSXML4.0 before using
#import <msxml4.dll>
using namespace MSXML2;

void xmlread(char *ch1,char *ch2,char *ch3);//Read the xmlstr and Get the Text of the Element

void xmlupdate(char *ch1,char *ch2,char *ch3);//Read the xmlstr and Update the Text of the Element

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

 char xmlstr[1024]="<inesmsg><msghead><version>LZD</version><root>ioio</root></msghead></inesmsg>";
 char strele[1024]="//version//";
 char textstr[1024]="NNYX";
 char value[1024];
 printf("The xmlstr is :\n%s\n\n",xmlstr);
 xmlread(xmlstr,strele,value); //befor Update
 printf("The Text of Element befor Update is: \n%s\n\n",value);
 xmlupdate(xmlstr,strele,textstr);//Change the Text of "<version>" with "NNYX"
 printf("The Updated xmlstr is :\n%s\n\n",xmlstr);
 xmlread(xmlstr,strele,value);//after Update
 printf("The Text of Element after Update is :\n%s\n\n",value);
 return 0;

void xmlread(char* msgstr,char* elestr,char *tex)
 IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlDoc;
 IXMLDOMNodePtr pXmlNode;
 hr = pXmlDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument));
 if (FAILED(hr))
  printf("Faild to Create XMLDom Instance !");
  pXmlDoc ->async = VARIANT_FALSE;
  //Load xmlmsg
  _bstr_t xmlstr=(LPCSTR)msgstr;
  if (!(pXmlDoc->loadXML(msgstr)))
   printf("Failed to Load xmlstr:\n%s\n",(LPCSTR)pXmlDoc->parseError->Getreason());
   //Locate the Element
   _bstr_t str=(LPCSTR)elestr;
   pXmlNode = pXmlDoc ->selectSingleNode(elestr);
    printf("Faild to Locate the Element \n%s\n",str);
    //Read the Text of Element
    strcpy(tex,(LPCSTR)pXmlNode ->text);

void xmlupdate(char *msgstr,char *elestr,char *upstr)
 IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlDoc;
 IXMLDOMNodePtr pXmlNode;
 hr = pXmlDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument));
 if (FAILED(hr))
  printf("Faild to Create XMLDom Instance !");
  pXmlDoc ->async = VARIANT_FALSE;
  //Load xml str
  _bstr_t xmlstr=(LPCSTR)msgstr;
  if (!(pXmlDoc->loadXML(msgstr)))
   printf("Failed to load xmlstr:\n%s\n",(LPCSTR)pXmlDoc->parseError->Getreason());