日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21081 次

一个由Apache CXF, Spring构建的SOA based 系统.
一个由CXF, Spring构建的SOA based 系统.地址在: http://code.google.com/p/blogging/

已发布0.1版本, 代码可以从这里下载..


ims-core module

# Using JAXWS + JAXB (CXF runtime) to publish web service.

# Using Spring acegi as web service authorization.

# Using ws-security (plain password) as authentication.

# Using Spring AOP transaction.

# Using DBUnit to do the dao unit test.

# Using easymock to do the service layer unit test.

# Using cxf local transport to do the web service unit test.

ims-web module

# Using CXF wsdl2java (CXF codegen tool) to generate the stub.

# Using JAXWS customization to use the java.util.Date instead of XMLGregorianCalendar.

# Using JAXWS + JAXB (CXF runtime) to access the web service.

# Using Spring acegi web application filter and Jcaptcha as security implementation.

1 楼 fjiis 2007-12-11  
2 楼 kill8108 2008-10-09  