set rs_cjtzd =server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if (IsNull(sybm) and IsNull(sydd) and IsNull(syr)) then
sql_cjtzd="select * from jdjzjh where sybm is null and sydd is null and syr is null and jdyf='"&jdyf&"'"
end if
if ((Not IsNull(sybm)) and IsNull(sydd) and IsNull(syr)) then
sql_cjtzd="select * from jdjzjh where sybm='"&sybm&"' and sydd is null and syr is null and jdyf='"&jdyf&"'"
end if
if ((Not IsNull(sybm)) and (Not IsNull(sydd)) and IsNull(syr)) then
sql_cjtzd="select * from jdjzjh where sybm='"&sybm&"' and sydd='"&sydd&"' and syr is null and jdyf='"&jdyf&"'"
end if
if ((Not IsNull(sybm)) and (Not IsNull(sydd)) and (Not IsNull(syr))) then
sql_cjtzd="select * from jdjzjh where sybm='"&sybm&"' and sydd='"&sydd&"' and syr='"&syr&"' and jdyf='"&jdyf&"'"
end if
rs_cjtzd.open sql_cjtzd,conn,1,1
VBScript code
sybm = Trim(request("sybm"))
sydd = Trim(request("sydd"))
jdyf = Trim(request("jdyf"))
syr = Trim(request("syr"))
If sybm = "" Then sybm = Null
If sydd = "" Then sydd = Null
If jdyf = "" Then jdyf = Null
If syr = "" Then syr = Null