日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20958 次

[14:35:51] 老外PM: I looked through the code yesterday and decided we need to do some changes...I rewrote the localization and will check that in.
[14:36:10] 老外PM: then the cells in that columns should be "" empty
[14:37:41] 我: I rewrote the localization and will check that in.
[14:40:12] 我: I think it can run well
[14:40:46] 我: Load the right global.xml and show at the page,is it?
[14:44:08] 老外PM: well the resources did not get loaded back in all situations like the fileupload without a file...we had to duplicate the write resources to the viewmodel...we changed the resource handling to the use the normal resource files in c# so that we also get compile time support.
[14:44:59] 老外PM: and we can use the same approach when translating validation errors in the model trough the validation attributes
[14:48:53] 我: well the resources did not get loaded back in all situations like the fileupload without a file
I am not clearly
[14:50:02 | 已编辑 14:50:27] 我: You mean sometimes We can't load the resource file successfully?
[14:51:09] 老外PM: no its possible...but when posting invalid data you simply returned View()...without any resources loaded and the gui when blank
[14:53:49] 我: oh,but I think it is a simple problem,and can be fixed
[14:55:53] 老外PM: yes but the solution was not good...we did not have compile time support...I don't know if we could use the resources together with validation with attributes...if we take in more developers they must learn a custom solution instead of the normally used resource handling...the views are bloated with unncessary code.
[14:55:54] 我: you know there are so many ViewData["IdText"] in the UI,can you fixed them when you change the localization?
[14:56:05] 老外PM: yes all of them
[14:56:38] 我: in a short time?
[14:56:55] 老外PM: already did it
[14:57:30 | 已编辑 14:57:45] 我: In my last company,We always use the custom localization.We develop the training system
[14:58:09] 老外PM: and why did you do that?
[14:58:31] 我: I think it is also a good solution
[14:59:18] 老外PM: ok, is there any special reason why you would use a custom solution?
[15:00:22 | 已编辑 15:01:04] 我: But I thinked that if you dont agree with that you can said that I only liked the default resouce before I do it and I will admit your advise,but now it have costed me time
[15:02:48 | 已编辑 15:05:44] 我: That is a simple reason,I always use the custom resource in last company and it is my custom,do you think it is wrong?
[15:05:00] 我: you know I develop the training system,It often refer to the localization
[15:06:37] 老外PM: for the reasons above, yes I think you always need to look at the latest techniques before reusing old selfwritten snippets of code because they often become outdated. I know you put time on this but we in the end the project will save time.
[15:09:19] 老外PM: oh by the way...do you have visual studio 2010?
[15:09:54] 我: Yes, you think it is good,but others think the other's is good.
I also think your database is not good.But why I did not change your database?
If the both are right,why did you change the exist one?just waste time.
[15:12:40] 老外PM: maybe you are correct, but I am responsible for the success of the project and I felt that the risk of fixing errors with a custom solutions where too big.
[15:13:36] 我: You know you responable for the database,So I have no right to change it.
But I responsible for the coding,If you have any problems,maybe you need to talk with me first before you change it
[15:16:34] 老外PM: of course, but we are running out of time and I felt it was necessary to do it as fast as possible. If I do any more big changes I will let you know.
[15:17:20] 老外PM: did you have vs 2010 installed?
[15:17:42] 我: no
[15:17:48] 我: just beta
[15:18:20] 我: because I have no projects to use vs2010
[15:18:53] 老外PM: ok, is it be possible for you to install?
[15:19:25] 我: why?