日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20699 次

html5 audio 速度问题
 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Audio playbackRate Example</title>  
  <audio id="audio1" style="width:25%" controls>Canvas not supported</audio>
<input type="text" id="audioFile" value="audio.mp3" size="60" />

  <button id="playbutton" onclick="togglePlay();">Play</button>  
  <button onclick="increaseSpeed();">Increase speed</button>
  <button onclick="decreaseSpeed();">Decrease speed</button><br />
  <div id="rate"></div>

     <script type="text/javascript">
       // Create a couple of global variables to use. 
       var audioElm = document.getElementById("audio1"); // Audio element
       var ratedisplay = document.getElementById("rate"); // Rate display area

       // Hook the ratechange event and display the current playbackRate after each change
       audioElm.addEventListener("ratechange", function () {
         ratedisplay.innerHTML = "Rate: " + audioElm.playbackRate;
       }, false);

       //  Alternates between play and pause based on the value of the paused property
       function togglePlay() {
         if (document.getElementById("audio1")) {

           if (audioElm.paused == true) {
             playAudio(audioElm);    //  if player is paused, then play the file
           } else {
             pauseAudio(audioElm);   //  if player is playing, then pause

       function playAudio(audioElm) {
         document.getElementById("playbutton").innerHTML = "Pause"; // Set button text == Pause
         // Get file from text box and assign it to the source of the audio element 
         audioElm.src = document.getElementById('audioFile').value;

       function pauseAudio(audioElm) {
         document.getElementById("playbutton").innerHTML = "play"; // Set button text == Play

       // Increment playbackRate by 1 
       function increaseSpeed() {
         audioElm.playbackRate += 1;

       // Cut playback rate in half
       function decreaseSpeed() {
         if (audioElm.playbackRate <= 1) {
           var temp = audioElm.playbackRate;
           audioElm.playbackRate = (temp / 2); 
         } else {
           audioElm.playbackRate -= 1;

