日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20691 次

Extjs4 Css美工相关

转: http://www.sencha.com/learn/theming/#!/guide/theming-section-2



This Guide is most relevant to Ext JS, 4.x.


  1. A Brief Introduction to SASS & Compass
  2. Requirements
  3. Directory Structure
  4. Compiling your CSS
  5. Changing global SASS variables
  6. View the Results
  7. Component UIs
  8. Supporting Legacy Browsers
  9. FAQ

Ext JS 4 has a brand new theming system to customize the look of your application while still supporting all browsers.

A Brief Introduction to SASS & Compass

SASS is a pre-processor which adds new syntax to CSS allowing for things like variables, mixins, nesting, and math/color functions. For example, in SASS we can write:


$blue: #3bbfce;
$margin: 16px;
.content-navigation {
    border-color: $blue;
    color: darken($blue, 9%);
.border {
    padding: $margin / 2;
    margin: $margin / 2;
    border-color: $blue;

And it will compile to:

.content-navigation {
    border-color: #3bbfce;
    color: #2b9eab;
.border {
    padding: 8px;
    margin: 8px;
    border-color: #3bbfce;

To see the wide variety of other features available in SASS, please see http://sass-lang.com/. Compass extends SASS by adding a variety of CSS3 mixins and providing the extension system that Ext JS leverages. With Compass, one can include rules like:

$boxheight: 10em;
.mybox {
    @include border-radius($boxheight/4);

Which compiles into:

.mybox {
    -webkit-border-radius: 2.5em;
    -moz-border-radius: 2.5em;
    -o-border-radius: 2.5em;