<%@ include file= "/WEB-INF/jsp/include.jsp " %>
<%@ taglib prefix= "spring " uri= "/spring " %>
<head> <title> <fmt:message key= "title "/> </title> </head>
<h1> <fmt:message key= "postbookmark.heading "/> </h1>
<form method= "post " action= "postbookmark.htm ">
<spring:bind path= "bookmarkCommand.url ">
<input type= "text " name= "url " value= "${status.value} " />
<c:if test= "${status.error} "> <p> There was an error with your previous input. </p> </c:if>
<spring:bind path= "bookmarkCommand.name ">
<input type= "text " name= "name " value= "${status.value} " />
<c:if test= "${status.error} "> <p> There was an error with your previous input. </p> </c:if>
<spring:bind path= "bookmarkCommand.owner ">
<input type= "text " name= "owner " value= "${status.value} " />
<c:if test= "${status.error} "> <p> There was an error with your previous input. </p> </c:if>
<spring:hasBindErrors name= "bookmarkCommand ">
<p> There were ${errors.errorCount} error(s) in total: </p>
<c:forEach var= "errMsgObj " items= "${errors.allErrors} ">
<spring:message code= &q