日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20769 次
Invoking a Java Method
As mentioned in Chapter 5, "The Java Virtual Machine," the virtual machine creates a new stack frame for each Java (not native) method it invokes. The stack frame contains space for the method's local variables, its operand stack, and any other information required by a particular virtual machine implementation. The size of the local variables and operand stack are calculated at compile-time and placed into the class file, so the virtual machine knows just how much memory will be needed by the method's stack frame. When it invokes a method, it creates a stack frame of the proper size for that method. The virtual machine pushes the new stack frame onto the Java stack.
For an instance method, the virtual machine pops the objectref and args from
the operand stack of the calling method's stack frame. It places the objectref
on the new stack frame as local variable 0, and all the args as local variable
1, 2, and so on. The objectref is the implicit this
pointer that is
passed to any instance method.
For a class method, the virtual machine just pops the args from the operand stack of the calling method's frame and places them onto the new stack frame as local variable 0, 1, 2, and so on.
Once the objectref and args (or just the args, for a class method) have been placed into the local variables of the new frame, the virtual machine makes the new stack frame current and sets the program counter to point to the first instruction in the new method.