日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20380 次

ExtJS 4.0 beta 3的更新说明

ExtJS 4.0 beta 3的更新说明

  真的是大改动,很多类名都改了,规范化了。在用beta 2做开发的,估计要哭了。
  Release Notes: April 14, 2011
  Version Number: 4.0.0beta3  [EXTJSIV-664][EXTJSIV-645] Fix Organizer and GroupTabs examples 
  Header icon and vertical title text should no longer be focusable 
  [EXTJSIV-550] Fix Column layout to accurately arrange columns, taking scrollbars into account 
  Fixed inheritableStatics for full inheritance tree 
  Removed focus line from buttons in IE 
  [EXTJSIV-177] Fixed disabled toolbar buttons 
  [EXTJSIV-676] Removed icon cls's from buttons in themes examples 
  Add additional CSS class when border is set to false for the HeaderContainer 
  [EXTJSIV-650] Fix double border issue with tree items 
  [EXTJSIV-696] TreeStore nodes no longer use a fixed id 
  [EXTJSIV-688] Fixed focus issue with datepicker 
  [EXTJSIV-683] Fixed collapsed vertical panel header image 
  [EXTJSIV-678] Fixed css issue with the history example 
  [EXTJSIV-603] Work around the brutal IE9 Strict mode subpixel rounding bug which can cause wrapping issues (similar to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45861 7) 
  [EXTJSIV-700] XTemplate should now handle dot (.) syntax for date objects as well. Since a date will yield a typeof of "object", we can't distinguish it from other "object" types; so we use the object prototype toString, in Ext.isDate 
  [EXTJSIV-671] TablePanel will not stop the mousewheel browser event when its reached the end of the scroll height/width. Also, the grid will only scroll when scrolling above the scroller and the view (not the headers, panel header, etc.) 
  [EXTJSIV-677] Editor shouldn't be hiding/showing its field, merely itself. This fixes positioning issues as well as the editor being still visible and floating over content, making it impossible to click to the things underneath of it 
  [EXTJSIV-702] RowEditor should vertically align itself to a row based on its y offset to its top-most static parent, not just its immediate parent (table) 
  [EXTJSIV-704] Prevent duplicate tabchange events from firing 
  [EXTJSIV-705] Fix problem with Shadow class calculations 
  [EXTJSIV-706] Fix issue when destroying a grid 
  [EXTJSIV-698] Prevent error in WebKit when destroying a HtmlEditor if its iframe has already been removed from the document 
  [EXTJSIV-713] TableView now only makes the table unselectable, not the entire gridview element 
  [EXTJSIV-442] Allow scrolling of the locked section of locked Grids/Trees 
  [EXTJSIV-720] Series now follows the standard Observable mixin pattern 
  [EXTJSIV-603] Fix Ext.core.Element createChild to support table first child insertion in IE 
  [EXTJSIV-789] Fix issue with window hide callback scope 
  [EXTJSIV-790] Fix an issue with not being able to specify a cls on a tree 
  Fixed the checkChangeEvents in IE6 
  [EXTJSIV-682] Remove a Gecko 3 hack that is no longer necessary 
  [EXTJSIV-689] Fix bug in OS X where grid/tree scrollers would stop responding. 
  [EXTJSIV-648][EXTJSIV-684] Auto-width fields must set the width of their outer element to match the total width of their internal contents, to prevent wrapping of the pieces during layout operations which would cause calculated heights to be too tall. Re-added the getBodyNaturalWidth method to support this, and changed the implementations where possible to avoid querying element sizes for optimum speed 
  [EXTJSIV-709] Grid row height will be preserved even if the row is empty 
  [EXTJSIV-804] Fix cycle butt