<script language= "javaScript ">
var xmlHttp;
function f_submitClick(){
var oTextbox2 = document.getElementById( "txt2 ");
var oTextbox1 = document.getElementById( "txt1 ");
alert( "The value of txt1 is \ " "+ oTextbox1.value + "\ "\n " +
"The value of txt2 is \ " "+ oTextbox2.value + "\ " ");
for (i=form.temp.options.length;i> 0;i--){
xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP ");
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = personChange;
xmlHttp.open( "POST ", "new.asp?ddate= "+oTextbox2.value+ "&dsort= "+oTextbox1.value,true);
function personChange(){
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
if (xmlHttp.status == 200){
returnText = xmlHttp.responseText;
myPerson = returnText;
<%Set rsM=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset ")
strSql= "SELECT * FROM duty_list "
rsM.Open strSql, conn, 1, 1
for j=1 to rsM.recordcount
form.temp.add(new Option( " <%=rsM(1)%> ", " <%=rsM(1)%> "));
<%rsM.MoveNext next
rsM.close &