日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20753 次
What is MCrypt?
MCrypt is a replacement for the old crypt() package and crypt(1) command, with extensions. It allows developers to use a wide range of encryption functions, without making drastic changes to their code. It allows users to encrypt files or data streams without having to be cryptographers. Above all, it allows you to have some really neat code on your machine.
Site Source : http://mcrypt.sourceforge.net/
Mcrypt is a powerful encryption library containing 22 block algorithms. Specifically, the following algorithms are supported:
Simple steps: follow these steps to compile Mcrypt and build the extension into your PHP distribution:
However, complex and complete steps are given below :
FYI – My machine stats are:
Cent OS 5.0
Apache 2.0
PHP 5.0
Ready? Here’s how you do it.
As root:
1) Install libmcrypt
(2.5.x or better) http://mcrypt.hellug.gr/lib/index.html
-download and uncompress: tar z -xvf xxx.tar.gz
-cd into libmcrypt dir and type: ./configure
-when configure is done type: make
-when make is done type: make install
2) Add the library dir to /etc/ld.so.conf
-edit /etc/ld.so.conf and add: /usr/local/lib
-save file and then type the command: ldconfig
3) Update/Install Mhash (0.8.15 or newer) http://mhash.sourceforge.net/
-download and uncompress: tar z -xvf xxx.tar.gz
-cd into libmcrypt dir and type: ./configure
-when configure is done type: make
-when make is done type: make install
-when make install is done type: ldconfig
4) Install latest version of mcrypt
(2.6.x or better) http://mcrypt.hellug.gr/mcrypt/index.html
-download and uncompress: tar z -xvf xxx.tar.gz
-cd into mcrypt dir and type: ./configure
-when configure is done type: make
-when make is done type: make install
-when make install is done type: ldconfig
5) Take note of your current php info
-create a file somewhere on your webserver called phpinfo.php
-edit the file and add the single line:
-make sure a normal user owns the file (not root – ie: chown user.user phpinfo.php)
-issue the command: chmod 755 phpinfo.php
-open the file in a web browser ie: www.yourserver.com/phpinfo.php
-copy the contents of “Configure Command” to a text file somewhere.
-It will look something like this (probably all on 1 line – leave it on 1 line):
‘./configure’ ‘–with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs’ ‘–with-xml’ ‘–enable-bcmath’
‘–enable-calendar’ ‘–enable-ftp’ ‘–enable-magic-quotes’ ‘–with-mysql’ ‘–with-pear’
‘–enable-sockets’ ‘–enable-track-vars’ ‘–enable-versioning’ ‘–with-zlib’
-edit the command to remove all the ‘ ‘ marks so it looks like this:
./configure –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs –with-xml –enable-bcmath –enable-calendar
–enable-ftp –enable-magic-quotes –with-mysql –with-pear –enable-sockets –enable-track-vars
–enable-versioning –with-zlib
-at the end, add the following (assuming mcrypt is actually found in /usr/local/bin/mcrypt):
-save the text file.