日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21073 次
select 车号表.chehao,SUM(油耗表.yuhao),SUM(运单表.yudan) from 车号表 inner join 油耗表 on 车号表.Idch=油耗表.idch inner join 运单表 on 车号表.Idch=运单表.idch group by 车号表.chehao
select c.chehao,sum(y.yuhao) as'油耗量',sum(yd.yudan)as '运单量' from [车号] c inner join [油耗] y on y.idch = c.idch inner join [运单] yd on yd.idch = c.idch where y.ytime>='开始时间'and y.ytime<='结束时间' and yd.ytime >='开始时间'and yd.ytime<='结束时间' group by c.chehao
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('CH') and type = 'U') drop table CH --车号表 create table CH (Idch int identity(1,1), chehao nvarchar(50) ) if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('HY') and type = 'U') drop table HY --油耗表 create table HY (id int identity(1,1), idch int, yuhao int, ytime datetime ) if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('YH') and type = 'U') drop table YH --油耗表 create table YH (id int identity(1,1), idch int, yudan int, ytime datetime ) insert into CH select '苏112' union all select '沪110' insert into HY(idch,yuhao,ytime) select 1,100,getdate() union all select 1,200,getdate() union all select 2,100,getdate() union all select 2,50,getdate() insert into YH(idch,yudan,ytime) select 1,50,getdate() union all select 1,32,getdate() union all select 2,30,getdate() union all select 2,30,getdate() --select * from CH --select * from HY --select * from YH select distinct chehao as 车号,(select sum(yuhao) from HY where idch=c.Idch) as 耗油量, (select sum(yudan) from YH where idch=c.Idch) as 运单量 from CH as c