日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20646 次
select TaskId,[Date],[User], (select top 1 ProUser from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId and step='Cashier') as Cashier步骤处理人, (select top 1 ProcTime from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId order by ProcTime desc) as 最后处理时间, (select top 1 ProUser from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId and ProUser is null order by id) as 当前处理人 from 任务表 a
with tt as ( select TaskId,[Date],[User], (select top 1 ProUser from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId and step='Cashier') as Cashier步骤处理人, (select top 1 ProcTime from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId order by ProcTime desc) as 最后处理时间, (select top 1 ProUser from 流程表 where taskId=a.TaskId and ProUser is null order by id) as 当前处理人 from 任务表 a ) select * From tt where Cashier步骤处理人=@参数1 and 最后处理时间> @参数2 and .....
select * from tasks --结果: taskid date users amount ---------------------------------------------- 1717 2012-08-03 00:00:00.000 admin 1000 1718 2012-08-03 00:00:00.000 admin 12000 ---------------------------------------------- select * from process --结果: id taskid step prouser proctime ----------------------------------------------- 9447 1717 submit user01 20120804 9448 1717 updateserno user02 20120805 9449 1717 gm user03 20120806 9450 1717 cashier user04 ----------------------------------------------- --使用下面sql语句查询 select dd.taskid,dd.date,dd.users,[cashier步骤处理人],mm.proctime [最后处理时间], [当前处理人]from ( select a.taskid TaskID,Date,a.users Users,b.prouser 'cashier步骤处理人',b.prouser '当前处理人' from tasks a left join (select *from process where step='cashier' ) b on a.taskid=b.taskid)dd left join(select taskid,max(proctime) proctime from process group by taskid)mm on dd.taskid=mm.taskid --结果: id date users cashier步骤处理人 最后处理时间 当前处理人 ------------------------------------------------- 1717 2012-08-03 00:00:00.000 admin user04 20120806 user04 1718 2012-08-03 00:00:00.000 admin NULL NULL NULL ------------------------------------------------- --如果需要查询条件的话,可以在后面添加where子句;例如: where [当前处理人]='user04' and proctime>'2012-08-01'