日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20585 次
select zt_userinfo.[user_name],count(1) as s ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as q ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 0 else 1 end) as d from zt_userinfo,zt_flow_log where zt_userinfo.login_name = zt_flow_log.p_task_user group by zt_userinfo.[user_name] 得到的数据大概是这样: user_name s q d 名1 4 3 1 名2 9 4 5 名3 7 3 4 得到s(总计),q(在10分钟内的为合格),d(10分钟外为不合格的) 现在想得到某个时间段的数据 如:c_time>'2000-1-1' and p_time<'2021-1-1'(时间为变量) 现在我要做成视图来操作 我该怎么改
create view view_name as select zt_userinfo.[user_name],count(1) as s ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as q ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 0 else 1 end) as d ,zt_flow_log.p_time from zt_userinfo,zt_flow_log where zt_userinfo.login_name = zt_flow_log.p_task_user group by zt_userinfo.[user_name] ---查询时: select user_name,s,q,d from view_name where p_time>'2000-1-1' and p_time<'2021-1-1'
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[VW_VIEW1] AS select [user_name],c_time,p_time from zt_userinfo,zt_flow_log where zt_userinfo.login_name = zt_flow_log.p_task_user GO select [user_name],count(1) as s ,sum(case when datediff(mi,c_time,p_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as q ,sum(case when datediff(mi,c_time,p_time) <10 then 0 else 1 end) as d from dbo.VW_VIEW1 group by [user_name]
--动态拼接语句执行,你可以给这个语句封装成存储过程 declare @str varchar(max) declare @date1 datetime declare @date2 datetime set @date1='2000-1-1' set @date2='2021-1-1' set @str=' if object_id('+'''v_test'''+') is not null drop view v_test go create view v_test as select zt_userinfo.[user_name],count(1) as s ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as q ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 0 else 1 end) as d from zt_userinfo,zt_flow_log where zt_userinfo.login_name = zt_flow_log.p_task_user and c_time>'+''''+CONVERT(varchar(10),@date1,120)+''''+' and p_time<'+''''+CONVERT(varchar(10),@date2,120)+''''+' group by zt_userinfo.[user_name] go ' print @str /* if object_id('v_test') is not null drop view v_test go create view v_test as select zt_userinfo.[user_name],count(1) as s ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 1 else 0 end) as q ,sum(case when datediff(mi,zt_flow_log.c_time,zt_flow_log.p_time) <10 then 0 else 1 end) as d from zt_userinfo,zt_flow_log where zt_userinfo.login_name = zt_flow_log.p_task_user and c_time>'2000-01-01' and p_time<'2021-01-01' group by zt_userinfo.[user_name] go */