日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20533 次
with Record as ( --虚拟出一张表 select 1 as ID,null as a, 22 as b,10 as timea,7 as timeb union all select 2,33,null,11,8 union all select 3,44,33,9,9 union all select 4,11,null,3,9 union all select 5,22,31,7,11 union all select 6,null,5,13,10 ) select sum( --增加一列,判断 timea如果在8 和 11 之间 并且 a 不为空 设置为1 ,最后sum统计 case when timea between 8 and 11 and a IS not null then 1 else 0 end ) as a, SUM ( --增加一列,判断 timea如果在8 和 11 之间 并且 b 不为空 设置为1 ,最后sum统计 case when timeb between 8 and 11 and b IS not null then 1 else 0 end )as b from Record /* a b ----------- ----------- 2 3 (1 row(s) affected) */